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BEST BEFORE:           Lippische Palme

Lippische Palme, or Lippische Braunkohl, is an incredible cabbage from the Lippe region between Münster and Bielefeld in NRW. The Lippische Palme was indentity-building in the region it grows, for centuries fundamental for winter survival. Yet, it risked to disappear from earth. 

What is this system that managed to almost bury a whole breed to make space for a supermarket-fitting alternative that maybe even comes from the other part of the ocean? 


For at least 400 years (date of its first represantiation in a copperplate) all parts of the Braunköhl were used: the roots to heat and cook, the lower leaves were given to the goats and the top leaves used in  multiple recipes.  It is also an (almost) all year around crop: planted in May, can be eaten already in Spetember, but it is after the first frost that it gets its distinctive milder and sweeter taste – and also the leaf ribs and trunk are eaten, thanks to their delicate taste. Its beautiful yellow blooming are a beautiful decoration for houses’ front doors in Spring.


A food industry based on as little work as possible in return of large profits, automatically leaves behind true meaning of regionality, sustainability, variety of tastes and cultural and gastronomic heritage, all evident characteristics of the Lippische Palme.

For a deeper insight in the story and experience of the Lippische Palme, check the following Instagram account:

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